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Past Recognized Clubs

Below is a directory of past recognized Clubs that are or have previously been active at Saddleback College. 

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Accounting Honor Society (AHS)

Mission: To encourage and reward students for academic excellence in the area of accounting and to provide professional guidance and affiliation for those students wishing to pursue a career in the accounting profession.


Accounting Society Club

Mission: The Purpose of this Society is to provide an opportunity for the students of the Saddleback College to delve more deeply into the field of accounting. The Society will also continuously promote the importance of ethics in the classroom and in the workplace, promote critical thinking for higher level education and higher level management, nurture leadership and teamwork abilities, offer options for study group or tutoring match-up center for accounting principals and concepts, and build a strong networking foundation for future accounting, managerial, and business endeavors.

Achievers Club

Mission: To socialize, provide community service and awareness, solve problems and learn about the disabilities of others.


Mission: To assist Chicanos and Latinos in removing educational barriers, in the form of community outreach, undocumented/AB540 student support, campus resources, increased transfer rate and mentorship.

Active Minds Club

Mission: To promote positive mental health, educating our peers and encouraging our students to reach out for help. We want to promote awareness of suicide prevention and programs that create compassionate community support.

Afghan Club

Mission: To inform students of Afghan culture while providing support and friendship to those in our club.

Age of Chivalry Club

Mission: To explore the history through medieval and renaissance arts, sciences, warfare, and culture of Western Europe.

Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society (AGS)

Mission: The purpose of this organization is to recognize and to promote student scholarship and service. 

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

American Choral Directors Association Club

Mission: To foster promote choral singing and promote organization and development of choral director skills. Help future choral directors and educators on their path to transfer. To promote a healthy community in choral arts in south Orange County and southern California.

American Red Cross

Mission: To help promote Red Cross programs and services that are available to the school and community.

American Sign Language Club

Mission: To teach students sign language.

American String Teachers Association

Mission: To promote a greater interest and participation in string playing at the Elementary, Junior High, High School and Collegiate levels. To promote the highest standards in string playing, teaching, and string teacher education. To provide additional opportunities for community involvement in string playing. To serve as a coordinating agency for the activities and interests of this group.

Another Music Club

Mission: To bring together musicians who aspire to perform in bands that have the intention of using Japanese language and style in their music, as well as provide a supportive environment of learning and growth in both the area of music and the Japanese language.


Amnesty International Club

Mission: Is an independent, worldwide movement working impartially for the release of prisoners of conscience- those people detained because of their beliefs, race, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion- who have neither used nor advocated violence.

Animal Rights Club

Mission: To raise awareness about animal abuses and how it affects the environment and us as humans.

Anime Club

Mission: To offer regular showings of Japanese animation (Anime) to club members and interested visitors in a semi-Public venue, bring together fans of Anime and provide a forum for them to discuss and share their interests, and promote broader interest in anime and assist anime aficionados in the pursuit of their interests. The ultimate goal of the club is to raise the public consciousness about anime and promote a broader interest in it and related topics. 

Anthropology Club

Mission: To teach, promote, and extend the ideas and events related to the professional development of students at Saddleback College, and to promote field knowledge.

Appreciation of Pilipino American Culture (APAC) Club

Mission: APAC is dedicated to providing a warm, social atmosphere for the betterment of knowledge of Filipino culture and traditions. Through our volunteer opportunities, we strive to empower our members with the chance to give back and serve their communities. We hope through these activities and gatherings to foster whiten each other a better sense of kinship, not only as friends, but as a loving family.

Arabic Club

Mission: To educate students about the Arabic Language and culture by providing an environment that supports learning and understanding.

Architecture Club

Mission: To provide a forum for students to communicate and exchange ideas about architecture with other students and professionals.

Art Gallery Club

Mission: To promote and encourage interest in the Saddleback Art Gallery. To provide assistance and support in Art Gallery activities and projects.

Asian Club

Mission: To help and support Asian Students at Saddleback College and to share cultural experiences. 

Astronomy and Physics Club

Mission: The purpose of this organization includes, but is not limited to: Enhancement of the students interests in astronomy and physics, experimentation in astronomy and physics, communication of ideas and developments in astronomy and physics, and providing lectures to students of college covering topics on recent technological advancements and discoveries in physics and astronomy.

Avalon Club/International Club

Mission: To come together to promote diversity, unity, and self-sufficiency within our multi-cultural society. Also, promoting non-violent understanding and religious tolerance for all. To serve students who have come to Saddleback College from overseas and domestic students who want to become more involved citizens of the world.

Baha’i Club

Mission: To acquaint those interested with the tenets of the Baha’i Faith, by sponsoring such things as lectures, discussions, informal gatherings, social activities, and public meetings. This association shall not endorse any partisan or political group, on a campus level or otherwise.

Best Buddies Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for socialization and employment for people who are intellectually disabled. We do this at the college level by matching college student volunteers in one-to-one friendships with people who are intellectually disabled.

The Bible Club

Mission: To inform students about basic Christian theology and engage in an open discussion. “That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the measures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments.” -Colossians 2:2-4

Billiards Club

Mission: To improve billiards skills and promote school spirit.

Biology & Biochemistry Club

Mission: To pursue various aspects of the biological sciences in regards to the community, academia, careers, and conversation.

Black Student Union

Mission: To promote a sense of unity, culture, and education amongst Saddleback students, especially those of Black or African descent. We aim to stimulate the intellectual, political, cultural, and social growth of all students through numerous different activities, programs, and fundraisers. Black Student Union is here to encourage success and self-worth for all students as well as provide and promote leadership opportunities, diversity, and friendship amongst all people in our community.

Blankets 4 Kids Club

Mission: To help children in need and to get the community involved.


Book Club

Mission: To read diverse books and enhance the ability of debating and discussing what we like and dislike in a respectful manner.

Buddhists for World Peace Club

Mission: To build a network of friendship and trust within the community, including Saddleback College faculty and staff. To encourage and support Saddleback College students to be a positive influence in their communities for world peace.

Business Club

Mission: To provide Saddleback College students with the opportunity to get valuable, hands-on experience with starting and maintaining a business, and provide a medium for established entrepreneurs and business owners to speak to students about their experiences.


California Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA)

Mission: To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care. To provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students. To aid in the development of the whole person, including his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.

Catholic Club

Mission: To unite Catholics all across campus to become actively involved in living out our faith, helping each other grow in faith, and to become closer to Christ. Together, we can make a difference amongst ourselves and across campus.

Chemistry Club

Mission: To stimulate members intellectually with chemistry, biology, mathematics and other science/engineering problems; To help students improve their chemistry problem solving strategies; to present and discuss topics not included in our texts or classes so that students will have a much more profound understanding of chemistry and the usage of chemistry in other sciences.

Chess Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for students to learn the rules and strategies of Chess.

Christian Students at Saddleback Club

Mission: The purpose of this club is to provide opportunities for students to come together to read and enjoy the Bible. Through these gatherings, students can interact with one another to discuss the Bible in order to gain knowledge and clarity.

Christian Science Organization

Mission: To encourage and help Christian Scientists and other interested students and faculty at Saddleback College to love God, and to apply the teachings of Christian Science to their academic pursuits and personal relationships, for the benefit of themselves and the college community.

Circle K International Club

Mission: Provide service to the community and to campus; to provide the opportunity for leadership training through service.

Collaborative Arts Club

Mission: Collaborative Arts Club is a space where students can get together and make strange, unique and beautiful art work and memories.

Collaborative Music Club

Mission: Provide an opportunity for students to express creativity through music, collaborative activities, and writing exercises. We want to create a sense of community for those who want to get more out of their college experience.

College Democrats Club


College Republicans Club

Mission: To spread the word of the Republican party and encourage voting among college students. To spread the word of the Republican party and encourage voting among college students.

Comedy Club

Mission: A friendly group for people who enjoy comedy to interact with one another and to give back to the community through creative entertainment.

Communication Studies Club

Mission: To help advance each student member’s knowledge and practice of human communication.

Saddleback’s Computer Science Society

Mission: To strengthen networking and collaborations amongst computer science students. To provide members with opportunities to participate in group projects, competitions, and study sessions. To assist members with Computer Science related projects, articles, resumes, cover letters, and internship applications. To inform members of current opportunities in education and the industry. To host informative seminars on special topics in Computer Science; special topics defined as specialized fields in industry.

Creative Writing Club

Mission: The purpose of this organization is to provide students with an environment where they can express themselves through writing in several different genres. It would also help students develop confidence in their writing as a skill in a non-academic setting.

Culinary Club

Mission: To Create a campus wide appreciation for all things food (and drink). We strive to achieve this by organizing a variety of activities that explore food culture. This may include, but is not limited to, cooking lessons, food and drink tasting (ex: chocolate tasting), guest speakers, in-house competitions, and restaurant tours.

Cultural Exchange Club

Mission: Share ideas between the students of Saddleback College about culture. Share meals and habits between students from different cultures. Have singing parties to share songs from various cultures. Present poems and movies from other cultures. Talk about past cultures(Pharaohs, Aztec, etc.). Share basic language lessons. Host student led presentations about their own culture.


Cyber Operations Club

Mission: The mission of the Saddleback Cyber Operations Club (SCOC) is to educate and train Saddleback students in the art and science of computer security. The SCOC will accomplish this mission by holding lectures, discussion and hands on training in an environment which will produce effective cyber security practitioners. The SCOC will participate in cyber security related activities such as competitions which will demonstrate our skills, capabilities and measure our effectiveness. We believe supporting the development of these skills to be critical but only to the defense of our nation, but to our industry, communities and citizens.

Dana Point Conservation Group

Mission: To make students aware of the coastal development plans in our community. To present ourselves to city official, planners, and developers and learn of the importance of ecological awareness, and voice our concerns.

The Dance Collective

Mission: To promote dance production and dance activities on campus and in the community. Dancers will have the opportunity to experience choreographing, costuming, lighting, staging, and performing dance, and teaching dance.

Diabetic Club

Mission: To help the Saddleback College students and community to learn about diabetes.

E-Sports Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for students of Saddleback College to come together with a shared interest in video game culture. This club will help students form a healthy offline and online community alliance. This club will open an outlet to competitive collegiate e-Sports organization for Saddleback College students.

Eastern Arts Club

Mission: To assist in the development of Aikido, Yoga, and Tai Chi Ch’uan to interested students of Saddleback College. 

Economics Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for students of Saddleback to engage in intelligent, well-informed and hypothetical problem-solving discussions about current and past economic policies and events in order to increase political and economic awareness to foster a new generation of open minded yet experienced voters and business owners/employees.

Electronic Music Club

Mission: To generate and sponsor electronic music events on campus and in the community.

Entrepreneurial Business Club

Mission: To develop a community to expand contacts and opportunities to grow towards our goals of business and career development. We want to provide opportunity for broadening relationships with like-minded peers, career exploration, and enhancing our network in prospective job markets.

Engineering Club

Mission: To provide a means for effective student participation in the field of engineering by way of cooperative studying and organized activities. The students will have opportunities to learn and create bonds with both the student body and the community.

Saddleback Entertainment Artist’s Alliance (SEAA)

Mission: To rekindle the Saddleback student population’s interest in the performing arts.

Environmental Awareness Club

Mission: Our goal as a club is to promote environmental awareness, and to promote a greener campus over all. We have short term and long term goals that we would like to introduce to the campus that would better the campus and the students as a whole. We would like to get as many students involved to be apart of a more sustainable learning environment, and would even like to offer certificates to students who dedicate their time to this cause.

Extreme Sports & Ping Pong Club

Mission: To allow students with similar interests in the field of sports that are not conventionally played or watched to join together and participate in cooperative activities, in addition to playing Ping Pong.

Fabrication, Design, & Manufacturing (FDM) Club

Mission: To Provide the creative individual and synergistic environment to learn and share knowledge about current technology’s concerning product design, fabrication and manufacturing and apply this knowledge to actual product development and completion.

Fashion and Merchandising Club

Mission: To expand on the information that students receive in the classroom and develop professional qualifications through advanced education courses, seminars and lectures. To serve as a bridge between the professional world and students. To build a program which will create an atmosphere that encourages students to participate in positions of leadership. To encourage activities that develop the student’s personality, individual talents, and abilities.

Fashion Club

Mission: Fashion Club is created to provide a creative community that connects fashion designers, merchandisers, fashion lovers, and community.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Mission: To present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, Serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

Film Club

Mission: A collection of students dedicated to the many facets of filmmaking. Structured like a production company, the club provides for student film projects by offering a network of production managers, actors, costume/hair/makeup designers, editors and more.


FOR the Campus

Mission: To share the love of Jesus Christ with Saddleback College.

Free Thinkers Club

Mission: Establishing a positive social environment for Saddleback College students who are Skeptics, Atheists, Agnostics, FreeThinkers, Secularists, and Critical Thinkers. To counter the growth of irrationality and disdain for science and critical thinking. To provide a campus voice on the importance of separation of church and state. Establishing an environment where discourse and discussion will happen freely regarding controversial issues of science, religion, and government. Enriching Saddleback College campus life by sponsoring educational events and fostering student dialogue on matters of reason, science, and belief.

French Club

Mission: To have fun, educate the student body in French culture, and eat croissants.

Future Teachers Club- Saddleback College Student California Teachers Association(SCTA/FTC)

Mission: The Future Teachers Club is a branch of the statewide Student California Teachers Association (SCTA). Our purpose is to create a medium through which Saddleback students can connect & network. We aim at cultivating and applying leadership skills that can be practiced in everyday life.

Future Teachers Club

Mission: The purpose of this organization is to offer members the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, build a sense of community, and participate in professional development opportunities.

Garden Designers Club/ Horticulture Club

Mission: To promote the club’s objectives of learning horticulture, gardening, and design. Develop and create opportunities for designing, propagating, learning plants and flowers both native and general species, water, soil, and sustainability issues.

The Saddleback Geography Club

Mission: To encourage student involvement in Geography related activities.

Geology on the Rocks Club

Mission: To educate and encourage students to see explore geology and all it’s many wonders!

Saddleback College German Club

Mission: To afford an opportunity for interested students to study the culture and history of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland and to learn the German.

Get Some Business Club

Mission: To bring together and teach individuals the true value of communities, networking and social involvement, while educating them in the benefits of entrepreneurship.

Global Activists Club

Mission: To provide a community for like minded students who are interested in global issues and creating a better quality of life for people around the globe. We will provide an outlet of information about different causes and issues for members. We will act on issues brought to our attention and inspire activism among the club and our local community.


The Health and Nutrition Club

Mission: To enhance awareness about the link between Health and Nutrition on campus and in the community. This club aims to foster and promote fellowship, co-operation, and a spirit of unity between students and professionals through communication, programs, and events.

Helping Hand Sociology Club

Mission: To Provide a means for responsible and effective student participation in the community. We will be helping the elderly, orphans, and the environment. This club will provide community service hours needed for college.

Hillel - Jewish Student Union of Saddleback College

Mission: Is an organization that celebrates the religious, cultural, educational, and social aspects of the Jewish lifestyle on the college campus.

History Club

Mission: To study history and promote the greater appreciation and understanding of the process and methods of professional historians, and to emphasize the importance of historical inquiry in global life.

Human Services Student Association

Mission: To create unity, fellowship and community involvement among human services students.

Improv Club

Mission: To provide the students of Saddleback College laughs when school just gets to be too much for them. The Saddleback Quipsters shall teach anyone who is willing to learn, the basic fundamentals of how to improv.

Interior Design Club

Mission: he Saddleback Interior Design Club is dedicated to informing and educating students on the opportunities available to them in the Interior Design field. We do this by participating in National Design Organizations such as ASID and IIDA, attending Interior Design industry meetings, booking powerful and informative guest speakers at our club meetings, and helping each student expand their network of colleagues and contacts to secure their futures as successful upcoming local Designers.

International Society Club

Mission: Our goal is to give international students a platform to get more involved with their lives in America to create a community to be involved in this foreign country. As international students are not accustomed to American lifestyle, culture, and difficulties of being. We as club want to provide guidance and companionship to the students through communication and interaction with one another. As Saddleback College welcomes a wide variety of students from all around the world through different ways including holding local events, activities, and influenced by social media for communication. Through a casual atmosphere and accepting vibe, ISC wants to achieve the goal of including and uniting as many international students to share stories, experiences, and possibly struggles as peers.

Investment Club

Mission: To educate students about investing and  teach students how to save money and track their future expenses.

Iranian Culture Club

Mission: To bring together all of the Iranian Students. To represent the culture of the Iranian students on campus.

Irish/Celtic Club

Mission:  Students will learn the history, philosophy, and thought process of the Celtic people throughout the world. Student’s will be encouraged to share this knowledge with other students and will examine various ways to solve the struggle of the Celtic people through peaceful conflict resolution.

Italian Club

Mission: To give interested students of the College the opportunity to further expand their knowledge of the Italian language and culture.

Journalism Club

Mission: To support and promote the free speech and press rights of students as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. To provide financial support for the marketing and recruiting efforts of the college’s weekly newspaper, the lariat, and the Saddleback magazine.

Keepers of Kulture Club

Mission: We offer social, spiritual, psychological, and philosophical enlightenment to individuals experiencing the suffocation of the industrialized world of today.

Lambda Alpha Delta Club

Mission: To teach, promote, and extend the ideas and events related to the fields of applied, biological, cultural, legal, linguistics, medical, nutritional, political, psychological, urban, and visual anthropology and archaeology.

Latin American Film Club

Mission: To promote education with the use of Latin Cinema. The Latin American Film Club hopes to promote a better understanding of the Latino community, history, culture, traditions, political institutions, health issues, social issues, music, etc. Furthermore, it works with schools and local organizations to promote the awareness and diversity of the Latin culture, in order to function as a retaining system that empowers our youth to pursue higher education.

Latter Day Saints Student Association (LDSSA)

Mission: To encourage and support members of the LDSSA in achieving their academic goals and maintain a balanced life while on campus. To encourage members of the LDSSA to become an influence for good by participating in activities and service on campus and in the community. To provide students with meaningful service opportunities and social and religious activities which are consistent with the LDSSA standards.

Learning Java w/ Minecraft Modding Club

Mission: Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world with a multitude of uses ranging from operating systems, search engines, websites, and of course the occasional videogame. Minecraft is the best selling game of all time and, as you probably know, is written nearly entirely in Java. In this club you can learn the basic java skills and how to use them to create a modification (mod) for Minecraft. Not only will you learn one of the most valuable coding languages, but also create your own mod with whatever you want to add to the game!

Lebanese Club

Mission: To introduce the Lebanese culture to interested Saddleback College students, staff members, and faculty members. In addition to providing the latest information, facts, and knowledge about Lebanon from it’s founding up till the present.

Legal Assisting Association (LAA)

Mission: To promote, encourage and provide a network of support, communication and education for it’s members and to provide a forum for furthering it’s members professional and educational development.

Lending Love Club

Mission: To be actively involved in the community and volunteer at hospitals for children, senior homes, etc., and be there for people who could appreciate the extra "love lent."


Mission: The purpose of this organization is to work towards creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment for LGBTQIA+ students. We recognize that sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression work through and are influenced by race/ethnicity, gender, culture, age, ability status, class, faith, and other social characteristics. We take an intersectional approach to our work and believe that fighting one form of oppression means fighting all forms of oppression. We are committed to promote equality and respect for all people.

Literary Club

Mission: To provide a forum for students, teachers, and staff to pursue intellectual discourse about contemporary literature, in an environment where all members are treated with equality and integrity and all opinions are respected.

Loyal Activists Club

Mission: To contribute and unify a collegiate organization to the community by implementing volunteers. 

Make-A-Wish Club

Mission: The purpose of this organization shall be to educate the campus and community about Make-A-Wish. The mission of Make-A-Wish is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. The club will raise funds and awareness to enable Make-A-Wish to grant wishes to local children and help transform life-threatening illnesses into life-affirming triumphs.

Math Club

Mission: To provide students opportunities which broaden and enrich their participation in the world of mathematics. To stimulate the members intellectually with math and other science problems. To help students to improve their math skills. To discuss ideas not presented in our math classes, assisting us in linking the classes together.

Meditation & Mindfulness Realization Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for students of Saddleback College to build deeper connections with themselves and fellow students. We will be committed to asking deeper questions regarding our purpose as individuals in society, and seeking spiritual gain in ways that connect us to the deeper aspects of our true nature. This will be achieved through meditation, intellectually stimulating reading, and nourishing conversations. 

Meditation Club

Mission:  The purpose of this club is to help students re-center in the middle of the week so that they can have better mental health during the school year. Also I am hoping this club will be an important source of community for everyone.

Melee/Smash Club

Mission:  The purpose of this organization is the analysis, appreciation, and application of tournament level play in Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers Melee; Saddleback Melee Club’s goals are: To teach students the fundamental technical and mental aspects of the game; To help students develop a skill and achieve progress through practice and hard work; To help support and grow Saddleback’s gaming community, as well as the Melee community as a whole; To help students learn important lessons regarding winning, losing, and competition; To create lasting memories and friendships and to have fun!

Middle Eastern Culture and History (MECH) Club

Mission: To inform people about the Middle East and its rich history and cultures, to answer any and all questions to the best of our ability. We will provide a comfortable forum for discussion for students of all race, age, sex, and creed to comfortably discuss their views and suggestions on particular topics of discussion.

Model United Nations (MUN) Club

Mission: To provide a unique opportunity for members to simultaneously learn about other cultures, the United Nations system, and skills of logical debate, parliamentary procedure and the pursuit of academic interest.

Multicultural Friendship Club

Mission: To provide an environment where students of various cultural backgrounds can develop friendships and support each other in achieving academic, personal and common goals.

Music Movement Club

Mission: To give the love and passion of music to everyone it can reach, through charitable events.


Muslim Student Association

Mission: The purpose of MSA is to provide an opportunity for the students of Saddleback College. Our goal is to create a place where we can unite and create awareness with the general student body, to represent a community from which students can learn about Muslims and Islam. We are going to provide education, enlightenment, and community for all those connected to Saddleback College. We are also intending to provide a hub for dialogue on various social and religious issues, as well as facilitating a recreational environment for students to engage in. We will also incorporate outreach, leadership and volunteering opportunities for its members.

National Organization for Women

Mission: To unify Saddleback College’s feminist population (male and female) in a proactive effort to promote equality for women in all realms of social and political interaction.

The National Society of Leadership and Success

Mission: To be a support group for college students to help them achieve their goals and thus better their lives.

The National Technical Honor Society Club

Mission: Our mission is to reward scholastic achievement in career and technical education, award scholarships , and to encourage the practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct and individual responsibility among the membership.

Native American Club

Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the customs and history of the American Indians and to help support the American Indian customs and issues that exist today.

Persian Culture Club

Mission: To bring students of various cultural backgrounds together to promote awareness and understanding of the Persian culture. To teach and represent the Persian culture.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society 

Mission: The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa at Saddleback College shall be the promotion of scholarships, the development of leadership and service, and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified students of Saddleback College.

Philanthropy for Women

Mission: We have three main focal points as follows: 1) National and international philanthropy 2) Creating a haven and a sense of solidarity for women on campus 3) Education and outreach: having sources regarding volunteerism, resume building, what professors allow students to bring their children, etc. readily available

Philosophy Club

Mission: To stimulate and encourage the interests and involvement of Saddleback College students in philosophy.

Photography Club

Mission: To allow all photography students to further their skills outside of the classroom. Club meetings will include discussions on current photography news, current projects, digital media, critiques, and much more. This will be a place where we help each other grow as photographers.

Physics Club

Mission: To enhance student interest in physics, host group physics experiments, have hands-on exploration of physics instruments, help students pursue advanced physics studies, and increase community awareness of Saddleback’s physics program.

Poetry Club

Mission: Poetry Club is a student club promoting the reading and enjoyment of poetry.

Political Awareness in Action Club

Mission: To provide an opportunity for students of the Saddleback College to discuss and debate political and governmental activities and events while fostering interest in the political process, awareness of the United States government, and a political activism in the community.

Political Theory Club

Mission: To survey and analyze selected political theorists and concepts. Ancient, classical, medieval, renaissance, and modern political theory will be discussed. The lineage of political concepts such as justice, freedom, power, and property will be traced as they evolve over time.

Polynesian Cultural Arts Club-Tamari’i O’ Le Polynesia Club

Mission: To spread the art of the Polynesian culture through music, and Dance.

Pre-Health Society Club

Mission: We will inspire a community of future physicians through education and advocacy. We will involve its members in the social, moral and ethical obligations of the profession of medicine. We will assist in the improvement and understanding of world health problems. We will enrich medicine through diversity by exploring of variety of perspectives.

Pre-Law Club

Mission: To create community for interested law students, and help them develop skills critical for their success in law school.

Pre-Medical Society

Mission: To educate members about the medical field. To provide networking with experts, internship, and research opportunities to be able to compete in the medical field of their choice.

Saddleback Pre-Optometry and Eye Care Society (SPECS)

Mission: To provide interested students with information about potential opportunities and resources in the field of optometry.

Pride Alliance

Mission: To provide a safe and welcoming environment as well as support, encouragement, and friendship, amongst all people, regardless of sexual orientation. We hope to inspire and educate others to lead a productive life, regardless of sexual orientation, disabilities, skin color, nationality, or religion.

Progressive Book Club

Mission: To read and discuss progressive, leftist, and/or radical literature as a community.

Progressive Student Union

Mission: To encourage students to be politically active, to decrease apathy, and to educate people on the major issues and conflicts in worldwide politics from a progressive perspective.

Psi Beta & Psychology Club

Mission: To serve as a means of national recognition of students early interest in and dedication to the field of psychology and scholastic achievement, to provide opportunities to become acquainted with and involved with the larger field of psychology, to provide a forum for developing one's perspective about psychology and for building a sense of community and identity with others in the field, to enhance leadership skills and encourage research, to provide greater opportunity for student/faculty interactions outside of the classroom, to benefit the campus and community through programs and service.

Queer Trans Coalition Club

Mission: We seek to be of the upmost inclusiveness, rather than exclusive, and to provide students who identify as queer or any other sexual and gender identities, or those who would like to learn more about sexual and gender diversity, with tools and resources to create an empowering educational change within themselves, their circles of influence, and their communities. The Queer Trans Coalition is a safe place for the free flow and exchange of ideas an information.

Reggae Club

Mission: To promote Reggae Music and culture on campus as well as in our community.

Saddleback Robotics Club

Mission: We learn about, build, and program robotics. We are an activity based STEM club.

Salsa Club

Mission: To provide a space for instruction to those who would like to learn how to salsa dance. To introduce the Latin culture through music and dance to its members.

Society of Interior Designers

Mission: To educate students about work in the interior design field.

Society of Loyal Activists

Mission: Effectively address, impact, and resolve social needs around our community.

Spanish Club

Mission: To teach Spanish to members through conversation and tutoring and to talk about various Spanish cultures across the world

Sports Medicine Club

Mission: To inform and educate the importance of the sports medicine, physical therapy, athletic training, and other health related fields.

Speech and Debate Club

Mission: To create, maintain and administer a program of intercollegiate forensics in the Pacific Southwest.

Spontaneous Awareness Club

Mission: To help students become aware of their surroundings and to bring students together (members and nonmembers) to stimulate and promote a healthy, happy life.

Stitch-n-Bitch Craft Club

Mission: To come together to promote skill share and craft share with one another.

Stock Market & Investment Club

Mission: To educate students, gather students passionate about business and investments, and overcome challenges together.

Students Aiding Success Transfer Club

Mission: To provide a forum to discuss issues and information that will help students help each other to achieve their academic and transfer goals. To encourage group and individual activities that will help students successfully transfer and add to a successful experience at Saddleback College. To provide and encourage volunteering.

Students for a Free Tibet Club

Mission: To promote community awareness of the crises in Tibet, and to encourage action towards the freedom of Tibet.

Students for Hemp Club

Mission: To educate about, and break the myths, about hemp. To show the benefits of legalization.

Students For Peace Club

Mission: To become involved in the community through Students for peace sponsored college activities, including but not limited to; cultural diversity, victory over violence, and introduction to Buddhism.

Students for the Future of America Club

Mission: To promote traits of integrity, accountability, and personal strength among the student body so as to encourage and help students become more responsible, prepared, and informed citizens of the United States of America.

Student Leftist Group

Mission: To address and analyze political issues from a leftist perspective. To engage in discussion and debate as well as become active on saddleback campus by raising awareness on urgent political issues.

Student Social Awareness Committee

Mission: To promote a higher level of social awareness on, and off-campus. The club will also focus on providing volunteer opportunities to its members.

 Superfriends Club

Mission: To facilitate various social, academic, and service opportunities for Saddleback College students with disabilities. Superfriends aims to promote interaction amongst students with disabilities and those without such labels as a means of fostering a spirit of collegiality and support within the campus community. Superfriends further seeks to mitigate negative perceptions of students with disabilities by offering students with disabilities opportunities to serve and lead within the campus community.

Super Smash Bros. Melee Gaming Club

Mission: Build campus community through Super Smash Bros Melee Gaming tournaments, student support, and fun activities.

Theatre Arts and Communication Arts Multimedia Club

Mission: To create original theatre and multimedia projects, start an outreach program with the community, continue training as artists, and organize fundraisers to benefit the students of the club.

Thespian Club

Mission: To promote activities of the Division of Fine Arts. To support activities of the Theatre Department. To provide a forum for student theatrical activities besides Theatre Department presentations.

Traditional Game Club

Mission: To organize all students who play card games/tabletop games/traditional games into one area, so they can meet other people who share a common interest, thus allowing them to play and make friends.

Travel Club

Mission: To promote the Travel and Tourism Dept. in order to encourage enrollment and general interest in the program. To expose the student body to the variety of opportunities in the travel industry via education, vendor networking, guest speaking, and field trips.

Ultimate Frisbee Club

Mission: To play Ultimate Frisbee and have fun!

V is for Vegan Club

Mission: To promote both vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. To expand the vegan/vegetarian community.

Veterans Club

Mission: To promote camaraderie, professionalism, and education among Veterans and dependents of Veterans. To work with those agencies that serve Veterans so that benefits due are understood and provided according to statute.

Vietnamese Club

Mission: To educate members on Vietnamese culture and history. 

Volunteer Corps

Mission: To create a core of individuals who are able to volunteer within the community, participate in efforts to raise money and support for saddleback Community College, and to help improve the various aspects of our community.

We Speak English Club

Mission: We wish to spread a better understanding of American Culture to our friends while also learning about the vast amount of other cultures and people. This club will focus on Tutoring non-English speakers through conversation.

Weekend Adventure Bound Camping and Hiking Club/Wilderness Adventure Club

Mission: To educate about the benefits of camping, hiking, and overall enjoyment of the outdoors.

Women in Film Club

Mission: To talk about films, both present and past, and how they influence our society. To explore women's roles in the film industry as it grew and became what it is today.

Yoga and Meditation Club

Mission: To promote physical health, mental clarity, tranquility of mind, peace, happiness and compassion on personal and community levels; through non-religious techniques of yoga, meditation, and complementary practices.

Young Americans for Freedom Club

Mission: Promote traditional values.

Youth for Social Action

Mission: This will be used as a meeting ground, discussion forum, and teaching instrument for students interested in the ideals of socialism. Furthermore, the club members will be socially active in the community via demonstrations, boycotts, and community service, to further the ideals of equality.

Zine Club

Mission: A forum for zine publishers to discuss all aspects of amateur publishing; inform students about the zine community and inspire Zine readership and publishing.


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