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Guest Speaker Form

This form must be completed and submitted to the Chancellor/College President/Provost, as appropriate, for notification at least 5 days prior to any speaker coming on campus (See Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6140).  The Board of Trustees will be notified at each board meeting of speakers invited to speak and/or who have spoken on campus since the last board meeting. 


Travel expenses or honoraria for speakers may be paid only under the following circumstances:


Any travel expense or honorarium must be recommended by the Chancellor/College President/Provost and submitted to the board for approval prior to any district reimbursement of travel expenses or payment of honorarium.


Any staff representative who invites a speaker is responsible for getting prior board approval or for informing a speaker that prior board approval is required before payment can be made.  No staff representative shall be authorized to bind the board with regard to payment.  It is the responsibility of the staff representative to assure that the speaker fills out a W-9 form and it is submitted to the District Business Office prior to payment.  The District Business Office will not release payment until the speaker’s W-9 form is on file.  The W-9 form is available on MySite under Forms-Accounting.


This speaker form must be submitted by hard copy, as well as, electronically to the Chancellor/President/Provost, as appropriate, for Board approval of honorarium/travel expenses.

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